Thursday, 20 September 2012

Colour Challenge 38 - Papaya Whip

First off I do have to apologise, particularly to the lovely ladies who comment frequently on my blog - I have not been keeping up with returning the favour. I will sidle along and make some belated comments, I promise! The thing is, my little one has just started school - he was in Nursery for 3 hours every day, now he's in Reception for 6 - and I have started doing paid work from home because of having more time. Between that, staying late after school to deal with termagant child (he isn't settling in too well...) and having the neighbour's daughter over a lot to play, I really don't have more time than I used to. And I'm also trying to resurrect my creative writing hobby. The colour challenge is still interesting but I have to admit it's not capturing my attention nearly as much lately. Once you've done a couple of colours in each main group, it gets harder to distinguish the similar tones and more annoying than a challenge to find things you haven't used already. I take my hat off to Rudh, who has been doing this since the start of year 1 with no omissions! I am determined not to miss any myself, but sometimes, as now, I'm taking a lot longer to put a post together, snapping fewer pictures and generally making much less of a story. So with that said, here is my Week 38:

~O~ Elven Queen ~O~

Gazing out to sea

Guardian of the Tree of Light

Pretty makeup

Really pretty ears!
I'm pleased to have re-discovered this elegant gown, which has languished in my inventory for years, and the L&E slippers complement it perfectly, being also the best kind of footwear for an elf - somehow I don't see an Elven Queen in heels! The best thing about L&E shoes is how well they are made - these are sculpts but don't require any kind of invisiprims or alpha mask to hide the foot, they slip on as-is. The hair with matched crown and necklace comes from the library - there is really some great stuff in there - and I just had to show off my beautiful jewelled ears. They are a collaboration by Schadenfreude and Balderdash and are copy/mod - they started out with silver decoration but I tinted the curlicues to gold because it suits me better, however I left the coloured jewels as they are. I love how the light made shadows on my ear from the jewel prims - this was a lucky accident which happened while I was modding the ears, so I took a shot. As usual I tried to find a fitting location and wandered all over the Isle of Wyrms (home of Daryth Kennedy dragon avatars) before finding this beautiful and colour-appropriate tree. It reminds me of the White Tree of the Elves in Tolkien.


Location: Lethe sim at the Isle of Wyrms

Female Fantasy Avatar hair (Ash) & necklace from library
Truth Hairbase Ivory
*C:K* Azil Peach Skin - Light Sparkle

KOSH Sweet Lips - brass
White Widow Face Tattoo - Travel Pearl/Brown

Lapointe Natural green eyes
Schadenfreude & Balderdash Fey Ears, Etherial
Stars! NatureHuntMapleFall Leaves set earrings (gold)
Suki Syakumi Elegant Cream Chanel Gown
L&E 'Estampie' medieval slippers, brown velvet


  1. Aww, I'm sorry the color challenge is loosing it's sparkle for you. But I understand you need your energy elsewhere. Sometimes RL just happens :)

    But anyway, you look lovely as an elf queen. And I love those ears!

  2. The elven queen look seems to be so natural on you, maybe it's because I'm used to dragon queen... The two slip from one to the other with ease! I love this look, and although I've known you nigh on 6 years I really don't ever remember seeing that dress! As I said before you would definitely fit in with the LOTR crowd, and maybe give Galadriel a run for her money in this look lol... There's a new queen of the elves in town!
    Don't need to take your hat off to me for the colours though, it's only because I have been doing pretty much nothing for the last two years LOL - now I am working I'm finding it harder to get my act together, but juggling all the above, everything else I know too and THEN doing the colour... I take my hat off to you in return, I mean if I wore hats of course hehe!

  3. The dress, the make-up, the ears, the background - all absolutely lovely! I can't see any relationship to papaya but that's probably just me!

    I was wondering where this week's colour post had got to but I do know you've been busy!

  4. first of all you look so pretty and the skin is marvelous. And i want thank you for your sweet comments..i am always looking forward to it. But the things you do now are important and gives you happiness i hope. So don't get stressed and i hope you will stay in the challenge. Although it is a lesser chllenge you did again very nice on this post ;)

    1. Thank you so much ^.^ I am determined to stay to the end! And I do like what I come up with, just sometimes taking me a little longer than when we started.
